Buy Tickets - Victorious Festival
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Buy Tickets


Buy now for just £180 or take advantage of our payment plans and spread the cost from just £16.38 per month!

Don’t wait! This deal is limited and won’t be around for long! (fees apply)

Adding Extras to your basket
Extras such as Lakeside Carpark and Lakeside Shuttle Bus passes are available on page 2 of the booking flow. You can simply add them to your basket along with your festival entry tickets.

Adding Extras after you have purchased your festival tickets.
The best way to add extras at a later date is to log in to your Kaboodle Account. Your account would have been created when you made your order, using the email address you entered when you made the purchase.

1.) Head to Kaboodle’s website and select ‘my tickets’ from the tabs at the top of the home page.
2.) If you don’t remember the password you set up, follow the ‘forgotten password’ link.
3.) Once you have logged in, you should be able to see your current Victorious Festival purchases under ‘current bookings‘.
4.) From here you can download your booking confirmation, and your e-ticket. Your e-ticket will only show once it’s been released which happens 7-10 days before the event.
5.) You can also add tickets and extras to your order by clicking ‘manage booking‘ and using the tabs on the left.

Log in to Kaboodle

For full event Terms and Conditions click below.

Terms and Conditions


Buy now for just £180, or take advantage of our payment plans with tickets from just £16.38 per month!

Don’t wait! This deal is limited and won’t be around for long!

Campervan Zone Tickets and Campervan Pitches are not yet available for purchase – see below for more info.

Campervan Zone Tickets and Campervan Pitches are not yet available for purchase.

So that you don’t miss out on the best price, please purchase weekend camping tickets for each person staying in your campervan. The tickets can then be amended to campervan zone when they become available. Please note you will also need to purchase a campervan pitch ticket for the vehicle itself when they become available.

Adding Extras to your basket
Extras such as Lakeside Carpark and Lakeside Shuttle Bus passes are available on page 2 of the booking flow. You can simply add them to your basket along with your festival entry tickets.

Adding Extras after you have purchased your festival tickets.
The best way to add extras at a later date is to log in to your Kaboodle Account. Your account would have been created when you made your order, using the email address you entered when you made the purchase.

1.) Head to Kaboodle’s website and select ‘my tickets’ from the tabs at the top of the home page.
2.) If you don’t remember the password you set up, follow the ‘forgotten password’ link.
3.) Once you have logged in, you should be able to see your current Victorious Festival purchases under ‘current bookings‘.
4.) From here you can download your booking confirmation, and your e-ticket. Your e-ticket will only show once it’s been released which happens 7-10 days before the event.
5.) You can also add tickets and extras to your order by clicking ‘manage booking‘ and using the tabs on the left.

Kaboodle Website

For full event Terms and Conditions click below.

Terms and Conditions